MXP Browser
Is a free utility designed to allow users who do not have
Cook Book Program on their computers to conveniently view
Recipes files, compiled in to books (MXP files).
It is not intended as a substitute for
The MXP Browser Developed by Ryan Walberg
This is a freeware program
The *.MXP Viewer will allow you to view and print the contents of an
*.MXP file (Master-Cook export format) alphabetically or by category.
You can download the program here, they're over 200 Cook Books to
Download so pick & choose.
All the downloads here can be used with this MXP Browser.
the MXP Apple to download
Note: (1) After downloading the program move it to a new folder and give
it a name and place the folder
in your C:\ drive. (New folder) example - mxp browser
Note: (2) After downloading the Cook Books & when they are unzipped
place them in your new folder.
Note: (3) After everything is downloaded go to the new folder and right
click the Mxpview.exe & select create shortcut drag the shortcut
(Mxpview) to your desktop and your ready to go.
Cooking Show (24-12-2020)
Fusce sollicitudin nisl a lectus. Pellentesque odio. Pellentesque
habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis
egestas. Sed leo. Duis suscipit lorem in risus.