Sweet Potato Cranberry Medley
8 medium sweet potatoes
2 16oz fresh whole cranberry
1 1/2 cup Diced celery
1 16oz bag of chopped walnuts or pecans
1 8-oz mini marshmallows
1 1/4 cup brown sugar, light
1 1/2 cubs Butter
for best result's prepare sweet potatoes the day before 
1. bring whole sweet potatoes (add salt to the water) 
with skins on to a boil for 3 minutes, they should be half firm 
when pricked with a fork,  then let set on counter for three hrs 
keeping the potatoes in the water, then place in refrigerator still   
keeping them in the water over night
2. scrape off the skins with a paring knife using the back edge 
of knife over the faucet.
3. dice all potatoes to a medium dice, place in bowl ready for the 
other ingredients. (except the marshmallow cream)
4. dice celery medium  
5. add fresh whole cranberries to boiling water for 2 minutes
off the stove and let sit for 2 minutes and the quickly rinse over 
very cold water, ice if you have it then chill them so they are very cold.
6. combine the chopped walnuts, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 8oz mini 
marshmallows in a sauce pan melt w/ 1 & ½ cubs of butter, mixing 
until smooth this is the last step. 
7. have ready your bowl of sweet potato's add the ingredients 
making sure you have tossed all ingredients lightly 
then add the marshmallow cream to the medley tossing lightly until 
the potatoes are covered evenly then place in your decorative 
bowl and set in refrigerator ready for your event
Preparation Time: 45 minutes
Tips All entrees are great w/ asparagus
1.  add 4oz brandy, 1 teaspoon vanilla, or rum about 3oz 
for that extra bounce in flavor
2. garnish with mint leafs for the holidays